Strand West: Ground Floor Usage Strategy


I am delighted to share this report on behalf of The Northbank BID, focusing on one of the most prestigious and historic areas in the district, and the Capital – Strand. More specifically, this report covers an area known as Strand West, which includes Bedford Street, Southampton Street, and Villiers Street, all key locations just off the famous Strand itself. With links to the river and Covent Garden, the area is a key thoroughfare for London workers, residents, and visitors. This project seeks to explore how we can better create a sense of place and destination for these streets in their own right.  Northbank BID boundary Like many places across the country, the Northbank was impacted by Covid-19, with retail and leisure weakened by lockdown  and new hybrid working models impacting  footfall. But the reality is that demand for street-level space was broadly changing pre-pandemic, largely due to increased competition from e-commerce and shifting expectations of consumers for the overall environment and experience.

This has resulted in a substantial level of vacant floor space across London and a need to rethink many areas with the potential to be desirable retail hubs. Strand continues to be an area of huge importance for London. Positioned within the Westminster City Plan’s Strategic Cultural Area, playing host to an economically important mix of theatres, galleries, and hotels, the area is ripe for reimagining.

The area is also designated as a Central Activities Zone (CAZ) retail cluster in the Westminster City Plan, identified as somewhere with growth potential, particularly for the nighttime economy.

Strand West has enormous potential, and its historic architecture already brings a strong sense of place and character to the area. However, there are notable challenges relating to the environment and surroundings, which remain a barrier to footfall and public realm improvements. Poor signage and high levels of anti-social behaviour, for example, are areas to tackle as part of the project.

This report explores how we can overcome some of these barriers, looking initially at how we can better use and adapt ground floor space in existing buildings. It aims to draw in the side streets, courts, alleys, and lanes running from the central spine of Strand, creating a comprehensive and cohesive approach to the area’s development.

The solutions are deliberately bold, exciting, and future facing, exploring measures to facilitate long-term value creation and increased leasing’s, with a series of actions for each of the streets.


Read the full report here.